(Updated - July 2024)

For several years now the Safer Schools App has provided students, parents and teachers with a wide range of information to help keep young people safe online.

The App has recently undergone an overhaul and we are pleased to announce the launch of the new “Safer Schools Isle of Man” App.

The online world can be a bit overwhelming at times but it is important that we understand what our children are doing online so we can help make them safer. The Safer Schools Isle of Man App aims to help with this.

The App is designed to support and educate children, by empowering them both at school and at home. The App provides your child with relevant, age-appropriate information on popular online safety topics and platforms. As a parent/carer, you will receive advice and guidance on how to help keep them safer online.

We are delighted to invite you and your child to download our new Safer Schools Isle of Man App, provided as part of our school insurance package with Zurich Municipal. You can do this by following the instructions below. ** Please note that if you have previously downloaded the App, you will need to delete that version and download the new App instead **

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch via qe2enquiries@sch.im

Yours faithfully

QEII Safeguarding Team

Get Started with Safer Schools Isle of Man for Parents

1. Download your App

The App is free to download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Simply search Safer Schools Isle of Man.

2. Create an Account

  • If you haven’t already, please create an account by selecting your role on the login screen of your App.
  • To create an account, click create an account and input your full name, email, and password you wish to use. You’ll also be asked to confirm your password. Once you’re ready, click ‘Register’ and this will create your account.

3. Login to your App

  • Select your school from the dropdown menu and click ‘continue’.
  • Enter the four digit entry code provided from the table below for your unique role.

Pupil Lower Secondary (Key Stage 3) - 7508

Pupil Middle Secondary (Key Stage 4) - 7422

Pupil Upper Secondary (Key Stage 5) - 7394

Parents/Carers Secondary 0255

Still feeling unsure?

Our Service Engagement team are always here to answer any questions you may have and provide you with any support you need.

Call our Safer Schools Support Team on 02896 005777

Email us at saferschools@ineqe.com

More information about Safer Schools can also be found on the Isle of Man Government website by following the link below -
