Student Support and Wellbeing book
This document will give you information regarding the support and wellbeing services available to your child, both in and out of school. We hope you find it of use.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the School for further clarification or information.
Listening Services
Listening Services at QEII aim to tackle the growing problem of poor mental health and well-being in young people.
Level 1: Isle Listen
Isle Listen provide a referral based, confidential low level 1-to-1 listening service in which Wellbeing Practitioners help students to manage their feelings with concerns such as exam pressure, friendship worries, bullying, social media difficulties and low self-esteem. The programme will work with identified young people to promote positive behaviours and work towards goals, to build the skill set needed to navigate life as a student or young professional.
Parents, Carers and Young people can refer to Isle Listen here.
For any student in year 7 -9 who wishes to access the service, parental permission will be sought before any referral is made. Students in years 10-13 are considered old enough to make such decisions for themselves and to provide their own consent.
Level 2: Youth Service Listening Service
This service also offers one -to-one support for students who are struggling. Sessions may involve Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Referrals to this service are made through the pastoral teams.
For further information on either of these services please email the school via or on 841000.