Here at QEII we understand the importance of looking after student and staff mental health every day. However, it was good to highlight it during the last week as part of Mental Health Awareness Week, and what a week we had. Students had assemblies, tutor time tasks and a non-uniform day to raise funds for our in-school listening service ‘Isle Listen’. QEII went green for the day and raised a fantastic £591.18. Isle Listen were in with our senior students on Thursday running a fun games session outside as part of the theme of the week which was Nature. They also ran an Art journaling session for some of our more creative students with some fantastic journals being created!
Well done QEII and thanks to the Isle Listen staff for a fantastic week of sessions and resources for our students. If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact their tutor or Director of Key Stage for advice.