This year the title went to Team ‘Progression+’ for their sleep product ‘Wakeeze’, which is designed to wake the wearer with a gentle vibration.
Congratulations to Chloe Irving, Kelly McMullin, Chloe Mylchreest, Alex Devereau and Will Snape for their winning design. They also picked up awards for ‘Best Design and Branding’, ‘Best Trade Stand’ and ‘Best Promotional Video’. Chloe Irving also took the award for ‘Inspirational Leadership’.
The award for ‘Corporate and Social Responsibility’ went to Team ‘Rebus’ consisting of Ellie Cruddace, Abbie Lloyd, Niamh Moore, Poppy Parkes, Josh Horne and Jack Parker.
Well done to you all, SIX out of TEN Awards, a fantastic achievement!