What is Work Experience?
You may be based in a shop, office or large organisation, carrying out tasks just like a normal employee. It’s a real chance to learn about a job and what work is all about. All sorts of benefits can be gained from doing a work placement – you find out about your strengths, improve your skills and abilities, explore an area of work you may be considering as future career, gain first-hand experience of what is needed to do well in a job, and build personal confidence for now and the future. Work experience also shows that, whatever the job, we never stop learning!
What if I still have questions, worries or concerns as a student or as a parent?
Miss Riley (Director of Work Based Learning) coordinates the Work Placement Scheme at Queen Elizabeth II High School. She is very happy to talk to students or parents about any concerns or questions they may have. Do please call the school on 01624 841000 if you wish to discuss anything with her.
Link to Careers Service Website: