Success in The Manx Youth Bard 2019
in the Gallery
Congratulations to our students, Holly and Esther, on their recent success in ‘The Manx Youth Bard’ Poetry Competition.
Congratulations to our students, Holly and Esther, on their recent success in ‘The Manx Youth Bard’ Poetry Competition.
On Friday 1st February the School supported ManxSPCA by joining in with 'Dress up as an Animal Day'.
Yesterday our Year 7 students had a great time taking part in the Junior Achievement Programme ‘Enterprise Challenge’.
Yesterday afternoon, the Maths Department held their annual Western Olympiad which saw students from our partner Primaries comp…
Our annual ‘Open Evening’ was once again a great success and a huge number of children and their families enjoyed tours of the…
During the last week of term, members of the Student Council had a brilliant morning delivering Christmas cards to some of the…
This morning students put on a heart-warming extract of “A Christmas Carol” in front of Year 9 students and parents.
Last night’s Concert was a brilliant success, performed to a sold-out Assembly Hall audience!
Last Friday morning we held our termly celebration assembly for students in Years 7 and 8.