Santa Dash!
in the Gallery
Yesterday afternoon more than 90 students had great fun taking part in a ‘Santa Dash’ along Peel Promenade during their Senior…
Yesterday afternoon more than 90 students had great fun taking part in a ‘Santa Dash’ along Peel Promenade during their Senior…
Congratulations to our students who were rewarded with a trip to the ice-skating rink on Wednesday morning.
Our Christmas Concert was held in the Main School Hall on Tuesday night to a sell-out audience!
Key Stage 3 started last week with Years 7 and 8 taking part in House Challenges and then to round the week and the term off we…
Earlier this month our Year 7 students took part in the Performing Arts Department ‘Anti-Bullying’ competition.
Yesterday we hosted the Royal Society of Chemistry for the annual ‘Top of the Bench’ competition.
Many students supported this year's anti-bullying week campaign ‘We’re all different, yet all equal’ by wearing odd socks to sc…
Our Year 11 students had a great visit to University College Isle of Man this morning, learning about various courses and oppor…
This morning students in Key Stage 3 celebrated their successes with a fun packed celebration assembly!